




Arlington Heights, Illinois



阿瑟·皮桑科,26岁 计算机科学 as his major because of the wide variety of applications software 和 computers have. “Computer science is a very flexible major that fits a wide variety of other fields 和 uses,他说.

通过Aspire计划, the College’s career development program, Arthur was able to create a framework to develop his career goals, he’s attended lectures to help him market himself to future employers. “ lectures introduce various tools 和 strategies, 比如电梯游说, 社交媒体, 投资组合, 个人品牌建设, 和弹性.” He hopes to one day design software used in technology to make daily life easier or to create video games.

Learn about the Aspire Program


“I chose Carthage because I get to explore my passions, learning both inside 和 outside of the classroom, while being on the beautiful lakefront.”



教授 that I’ve had throughout my Carthage career have always been kind 和 helpful. They will always spend extra time in their lectures to answer questions 和 clarify complicated ideas 和 concepts. They also direct students to other resources that can benefit our learning. These 教授 influence me the most because they teach me how to be a critical 和 open-minded thinker.”


“My favorite class so far has been Game Development III. This class has a unique approach to learning that deepens my appreciation for how my favorite games work. Instead of building your own game from scratch, this class emphasizes how other games work 和 why they are fun to play. As well as typical assignments, this class has a GameJam, a game development competition. I had the most fun in this class because I challenged myself to explore new concepts I had never worked with before.”


“One of the toughest classes I have taken so far is Computer Organization. I had to learn how to adapt to a new programming language 和 apply it to new concepts 和 techniques I was unfamiliar with. Although I dealt with many challenges throughout my time in this class, I still enjoyed taking it. I learned a lot about myself 和 how computers work at the most basic level.”


“Carthage has many different opportunities to get involved on campus 和 really grow as a student. There are hundreds of 俱乐部 to choose from, you can play a great part in socializing 和 leading activities. I am involved in several activities 和 俱乐部 on campus, especially the Carthage Activities Board (CAB). CAB’s atmosphere is very welcoming 和 full of fun, we are involved in hosting many of the exciting events happening on campus. Other 俱乐部 I am involved in are 艺术俱乐部, 第一代俱乐部, 最好的伙伴.”


“My favorite spots on campus are the iconic red Adirondack chairs that are all over the campus. Many of these chairs face a stunning view of the lake, I find myself using them as a nice place to relax or study.”


“One of my favorite Carthage memories is from the Kick-Off events at the start of every new school year. There were lots of fun 和 amazing activities to do, 就像一个狂欢节, it is where I made so many of my friends. It’s an event I look forward to attending every year.”


“A study tip that I think is important is to talk to your 教授! They are great resources for information 和 wisdom, they’ve dedicated so much of their time 和 passion for learning 和 teaching their subjects. They are always more than happy to help you if you’re struggling. There are also excellent on-campus resources, like 同侪教导the Brainard Writing Center,以获得更多帮助.”

Best tip for making friends

“One of the best ways to make friends at Carthage is just by striking up a conversation with anyone about anything 和 everything. You never know who you’ll meet, it’s always nice to see a friendly 和 familiar face on the first day of a new class. 有很多 俱乐部 和 activities on campus that suit specific hobbies 和 interests, majors, personal values.”

What would your 8-year-old self think of you now?

“If 8-year-old me could see me now, they would be absolutely blown away! 在那个年龄, I was simply a player of the video games that I grew up loving, 现在, I am a student of those same games. I have learned so much about the energy 和 involvement it takes to craft wonderful games, as well as the innovative ideas in software development that revolutionize the industry in so many ways. Eight-year-old me would be so proud of how far we’ve come 和 be impatient having to wait ten more years before they can get their h和s on my most recent successful projects.”